Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Down 4.2

Weigh in at WW last night. I'm down 4.2 pounds. It wasn't really that hard but for some reason I sure am hungry today. Maybe if I added some exercise with it I might dropped a little faster.

Check Penne's spot out (listed on the right). She took pictures at a wedding. Pretty pictures.

Our annual big (maybe not so big) Labor Day Parade and Picnic is Monday. It's our family tradition to save spots at the "Old Car Wash".......... which is now the newspaper office but will always be the Old Car Wash to me..............and watch the parade together. God forbid anyone take our spots. That's a small town for you.

I'll try to load some pictures soon. For some reason my computer doesn't want to cooperate....or maybe it's me. Who knows.

1 comment:

Penne said...

Congrats on the weight loss! It's always good to go down, no matter how big or small the number. Thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog, and thanks for the shout out in your post.
Keep up the great work! :)

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